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Showing articles from FAQ tag

Who should I contact with credit card processing issues or questions?

When an issue arises with your integrated credit card processing through Floranext, there are often a number of parties involved and it may not always be clear who to contact for support and troubleshooting. Find your issue in the chart below for a suggested course of action. Links to the appropriate system's suppor…

Is it possible for Floranext to do custom work on my website or POS?

From maintenance of existing features to development of new ones, Floranext does all it can to meet the needs of our customers. This being said, there are times when a customer may request a feature or adjustment outside the current structure of our software. Floranext evaluates all requests for custom work or new f…

What are the terms and conditions for my Floranext service?

Our Terms and Conditions can be found here: Floranext End User License

How do I add my logo to my email signature?

Adding your store logo to your email signature for system emails is a great way to improve your branding! It's also easy to set up in the Floranext dashboard. Go to Settings > Store Info and scroll down to Logo for Emails, click Choose File, browse and upload your file from your computer, and Save at the top of th…

Upgrading Your Web Browser

Safari - OSX Updates To upgrade your Safari browser, you will need to upgrade your OSX to the latest version, El Capitan. The newest version of Safari is part of this bundle. This can take a long time depending on your internet connection, and you won't be able to use the machine while it is upgrading—it's best to…

What information can be imported into Floranext?

When transitioning to the Floranext from another POS or website, some data can be brought forward with you. This includes customer information, house accounts and balances, and product details. Import File Formats We can only accept files for import in the following spreadsheet formats: * .xls * .xlsx * .csv We…

What is a "Payment Transaction Failed Reminder" email?

Anytime a customer on your website attempts to checkout on your website but cannot complete the transaction for any reason, you will be notified to your store email with a Payment Transaction Failed Reminder message. Web orders can fail due to a mistyped credit card number, incorrect billing address, or neglecting…

How do I forward another domain I own to my main Floranext site?

When you're ready to launch your Floranext website, our team will point the domain you will be using for the Floranext Website, Please contact your domain host to set up domain forwarding for any other domains you want to forward to the Floranext Website. For example, we would point your domain to…

What are the minimum software and computer requirements for Floranext?

Virtually any new commercially-available computer will be able to run Floranext with no problem, but if you're attempting to use older computers, it's worth checking your computer specs to ensure they are compatible with Floranext. Windows Laptop/ Desktop To use Floranext on Windows, you'll need the following: * …

What are Floranext's support hours and how can I get assistance with my Floranext software?

Find Answers Online You're here now! Search the Floranext database for some quick reference. You can access our database from your Floranext dashboard as well, just mouse over the question mark icon in the upper right and click Help & Support. Need further assistance? Contact us! We're closed the following holiday…

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