When transitioning to the Floranext from another POS or website, some data can be brought forward with you. This includes customer information, house accounts and balances, and product details.
Import File Formats
We can only accept files for import in the following spreadsheet formats:
- .xls
- .xlsx
- .csv
We CANNOT accept import files in any of the following text or image formats:
- .txt
- .rtf
- .doc
- .docx
Many POS systems offer the capability to export customer data into a spreadsheet. Click here for instructions on exporting data from your old POS to an import-ready file.
Customer and House Account Imports
Customer Imports
We can accept customer spreadsheets with the following values:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- City
- State
- Zip/Postal Code
- Phone 1
- Phone 2
- Notes
- House Account Forwarding Balance
If any of these fields are missing or in some cases, combined (especially name, address line 1 and 2, and city/state/zip), we can normally parse these out for you.
Note: Customer sales statistics cannot be imported.
House Account Forwarding Balances
House account balances should be included in a column on your customer list speadsheet and must include the following:
- Customer Name/Company
- Current Balance
If you're importing house accounts and customers, all house accounts must also be entered as customer records. If you know some or all of your house accounts may not be included in the customer sheet, let your onboarding representative know.
Product Imports
Product import files must also be in a spreadsheet format (.xls, .xlsx, .csv) and contain the following information:
- SKU/Product ID (can be any alpha-numeric, each must be unique)
- Name
- Description
- Price
- Status (1 = enabled, 2 = disabled)
- Taxable (1 = taxable, 0 = nontaxable)
- Reporting Categories for POS products (if category does not already exist in your POS, it will be created)
- Image file name (for website products—see below for more information)
- Categories (also for website products—see below)
Adding images to products is only necessary for Floranext website customers, but is recommended in case you ever choose to add a Floranext website.
Along with the product spreadsheet, you will need to prepare a compressed/zipped folder of product images.
If the image file name for "Dozen Roses" is dozen-roses.jpg, you would enter this in the image column.
Images must be a reasonable size (ie. less than 200 kb).
Like images, assigning website categories to products is only necessary for Floranext website customers, but is still recommended.
Categories must be given in the format 1,3,5,25.
We can provide a list of preexisting website product categories and their corresponding numbers. Ideally each product will be added to a top-level category (Flowers, Occasions, Gifts) as well as any relevant subcategories (Roses, Spring Flowers, Easter).
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