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Home > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) > Is it possible for Floranext to do custom work on my website or POS?
Is it possible for Floranext to do custom work on my website or POS?
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From maintenance of existing features to development of new ones, Floranext does all it can to meet the needs of our customers.

This being said, there are times when a customer may request a feature or adjustment outside the current structure of our software. Floranext evaluates all requests for custom work or new features for their potential to benefit our customer base as a whole, balanced against the potential for lost development time on other features.


When evaluating if something can become a feature request we often ask ourselves the following questions:

  • How large scale an impact would this feature bring to our customers?
  • How long would the development of this feature take?
  • Do the benefits outweigh the costs to other potential features?

While not the exclusive criteria for a feature request, these are important questions we keep in mind. Any request that upon careful evaluation doesn't meet these criteria, may require an additional cost from the requester for us to develop.

Examples would include adding a button to the POS for a specific need that would only benefit your shop, or a very small number or requests to alter a theme design or structure that would not universally benefit our customers. These additional charges for custom work are assessed on a case-by-case basis after evaluating the request with our development team.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for more details.

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