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Home > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) > What is a "Payment Transaction Failed Reminder" email?
What is a "Payment Transaction Failed Reminder" email?
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Anytime a customer on your website attempts to checkout on your website but cannot complete the transaction for any reason, you will be notified to your store email with a Payment Transaction Failed Reminder message.


Web orders can fail due to a mistyped credit card number, incorrect billing address, or neglecting to fill out a required field. The reason is included in the email as a courtesy so that you can keep tabs on possible common causes, but no action is required.


These emails are generated anytime there is a problem, even if the customer recognizes and corrects their mistake, and completes the order successfully. If you receive one of these emails and a web order notification for the same customer, the customer's card was authorized and accepted.


If you wish to stop receiving these emails, let us know at [email protected] and we can adjust your settings.


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