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Home > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) > Who should I contact with credit card processing issues or questions?
Who should I contact with credit card processing issues or questions?
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When an issue arises with your integrated credit card processing through Floranext, there are often a number of parties involved and it may not always be clear who to contact for support and troubleshooting.

Find your issue in the chart below for a suggested course of action. Links to the appropriate system's support contact info can be found at the bottom of this page.

  Stripe Merchant service via USAePay gateway
Deposit not received Check the Sales tab in your Stripe dashboard. If your day's sales match the Floranext Daily Sales Report, contact Stripe. If not, contact Floranext Merchant Services First log into USAePay here and confirm the batch report in the Batches tab. If batch matches Floranext Daily Sales Report, contact your MSP. If the batch doesn't match Floranext, contact Floranext Merchant Services
Dispute First, find the disputed payment in the Stripe dashboard under Payments > Disputes. Contact Stripe Support for further assistance. USAePay support
Customer is double-charged Floranext Merchant Services Floranext Merchant Services
Forgot my password Follow this Stripe password reset link (you will need access to the email the Stripe account was created with) Floranext Merchant Services
Changing merchant account provider N/A (with Stripe you don't need a Merchant Account Provider) Floranext Merchant Services
Batch Auto-Closure Failure N/A (Stripe doesn't batch out) Click here for more information
Changing depositing bank account Follow these instructions on Stripe Floranext Merchant Services
Changing time of batch-out N/A (Stripe doesn't batch out) Log into USAePay merchant console, click the Settings tab, and update Batch-Out Time (note that times will be in PST)

Stripe Users

If you process credit cards in Floranext with Stripe, you can log into your Stripe dashboard here.

Note that Stripe does not offer support by phone, but it's easy to reach them by email or chat. See the Stripe Support page for more information.

USAePay Users

You can log into your USAePay account here with the account credentials we sent you after setup to view batch reports (ie. a given day's credit card transactions).

If you have any questions about the USAePay gateway service, please see the USAePay Support page for contact information.

Because the USAePay gateway is middleware, it will often be necessary to contact your merchant services provider to resolve credit card processing issues. We recommend contacting your merchant account representative directly for fastest service.

All Users

You can reach Floranext Merchant Services at [email protected].

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