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Home > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) > How can I access the Floranext dashboard from my home computer or phone?
How can I access the Floranext dashboard from my home computer or phone?
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It's easy to access your Floranext dashboard from your home computer and other devices, allowing you to take phone orders, access reports, and view orders anywhere, anytime!

  1. Download and install Google Chrome (optional on Mac or iPhone)
  2. Log into your POS, either by following the link in your welcome letter, or using either of these links: or
  3. Set Floranext POS as your Google Chrome start page (optional but recommended)

    • Go to Chrome settings (click three dots in upper right, then click Settings, or navigate to chrome://settings)

    • Scroll down to On Startup and click "Open a specific page or set of pages"

    • Click "Add a new page," enter the URL from Step 2 and click Add

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