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Home > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) > What are Floranext's support hours and how can I get assistance with my Floranext software?
What are Floranext's support hours and how can I get assistance with my Floranext software?
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Need further assistance? Contact us!

We're closed the following holidays in 2025:

Memorial Day May 26th
4th of July July 4th
Labor Day September 1st
U.S. Thanksgiving November 27th
Christmas Day December 25th
New Year's Day January 1st, 2026


We have abbreviated or extended support coverage for the following days:

U.S. Black Friday November 29th 9am to 8pm EST
U.S. Small Biz Saturday November 30th 12pm to 3PM EST
Christmas Eve December 24th 9am to 5pm EST
New Year's Eve December 31st 9am to 5am EST

Submit a Ticket Online

Click here to submit a ticket or navigate to the help icon at the top of your Floranext dashboard.


Dial (415) 906-2850 x2 for Support. Tickets and phone calls will be replied to during business hours.


Click the blue (...) bubble in the lower right of this page to open a chat with Floranext Support!

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