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Home > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) > How do I switch to Floranext from my current website?
How do I switch to Floranext from my current website?
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My current website is with a wire service, how can I switch my site to Floranext?

Switching to a Floranext florist website is easy! There is no "downtime" or loss of service to your existing website.

If you don't own your domain, we can help!

  1. Click here and fill out a help ticket, including which wire service hosts your site, as well as your member ID number
  2. We will contact them on your behalf, and have the site switched back to your ownership. This can take some time, so we recommend beginning this process as soon as possible after starting onboarding 
  3. After this, you will receive an email with instructions from your wire service, just forward this email to us this email address: "[email protected]" and we'll take care of the rest!

If you own your domain already

If you already have full control of your domain, your onboarding representative will need access to it to point your site.

What is a domain, again?

A domain name is the address you can type in to access your website, such as

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