When an issue arises with your integrated credit card processing through Floranext, there are often a number of parties involved and it may not always be clear who to contact for support and troubleshooting. Find your issue in the chart below for a suggested course of action. Links to the appropriate system's suppor…
Floranext integrates with Stripe for credit card processing through both your website and POS. Note that rates may differ from those advertised on the Stripe website, so please contact us for details on pricing. Connecting your Stripe Account To get started, navigate to Settings ➜ Stripe Settings . Che…
Floranext no longer supports Stripe Standard account types, but some shops may have a Stripe Standard account with a Capital loan attached to it. If this applies to you, you may want to use the income from your Floranext website or POS to pay off the loan. Stripe's Support team offers a process to connect your new…
Most credit card companies have complex rates and fee structures that can make it hard to determine the cost to your business. Stripe is the opposite, they are very clear on what you are paying in processing fees. Floranext integrates with Stripe for credit card processing through both your website and POS. Note th…
Instant payouts let you receive funds in minutes instead of days! Instant Payouts is a new feature of Stripe pay ment processing. If you're not yet using Stripe to process payments, follow this link to get information about Stripe . What are Stripe Instant Payouts? Regular Payouts: * Take two days or…