Applying a Payment
In your Floranext admin, navigate to Reports ➜ House Account. This will show you all House Accounts with outstanding balances.
Select the House Account you want to apply a payment to. In the House Account details page, click Actions ➜ Apply Payment on the right.
Choose the payment method, enter in the amount and click Apply.
The payment will automatically be applied to the latest invoice first, but you can change which invoice the payment will apply to before clicking Apply.
Custom payment options are allowed for selection when applying a House Account Payment.
Removing a Payment
If a payment was applied in error, navigate to the House Account page and find the payment in the Payments section. Click Select ➜ Refund to the right of the payment you wish to refund.
If you have integrated credit card processing with Floranext, this will create a refund of the payment to the credit card.