Feb 25, 2025
Adding Discount by Flat Rate or Percentage
Discounts can be added to POS orders by either a flat rate or a percentage.
To add a discount to an order in progress, scroll down in the Take Order page to the Order Info.
Select Percentage...
Or Dollar Amount.
Entering in the amount desired will calculate the discount, and apply it to the total.
Discounts can be applied to specify customers by navigation to Orders ➜ All Customers, and editing the customer you wish to apply an on going discount to. More on editing customers here!
Adding a Non-Taxable Product to an Order
On the Take Order screen, once you add the product to the order, make sure the column Tax in the Product Info section is unchecked. This will remove tax from the product.
Note: When creating a POS or website product record, you can choose whether or not the product is taxable by default in the products Advanced Settings. Learn more about product editing here!
Making a Customer Tax Exempt
A customer can be made tax exempt in the order taking process by select check the box in the Customer Info section.
Customers can also be made tax exempt through the customer editing process. More on editing customers here.