General Tax Settings
To get started, navigate to Settings ➜ Tax.
Select if you would like to apply tax on Delivery and Wire-Outs.
Setting Tax Rate
It is highly important that your Floranext point of sale system is charging the proper tax for your area. This can be set in your Floranext dashboard under Settings ➜ Tax.
To add a Tax Rate, click on the blue button in the upper right-hand corner called "Add Tax Rate"
Here you will add a Tax Rate, just put the numerical value like 10 or 15, not 10% or 15%.
Next, add the Tax Name and change the status to Enabled, and hit the blue Save button.
For most shops, a single sales tax rate is all that is required and you are ready to move on! If multiple tax rates are needed for your area, you can enter them in but check the section on Default Tax Rate.
Default Tax Rate
If there is a specific Tax Rate that you wish to make a Default, find the default tax rate and click on the bubble to select.