Ticket & Card Message
To start, we will navigate to Settings ➜ Print Settings.
Include Store Info Ticket Print: If you would like to add your store logo and/or site URL, select "Yes" from the drop-down. Otherwise, leave "No"
Store Logo: This will be the logo that prints along with store info.
Note: Store logo file types allowed are jpeg, gif, and png.
Custom Message: Use this section to add text that will appear on the back of the folded card.
Ticket Type: Select the kind of paper your tickets are printed on.
Note: store logo files allowed are; jpeg, gif, and png.
Receipt Printer Settings
If you will be using a receipt printer, set Use Receipt Printer to Yes. If you are not, set to No.
If "Print Merchant Receipt" is enabled, on integrated Credit Card Payments, two copies of the receipt will print. One copy for the merchant and the other for the customer.
Set Receipt Type to "Thermal" if you'd like 2 copies of the receipt to print by default.
Advanced Ticket Options
Custom URL: This is the URL that will print on you store info section of the ticket.
Ticket/Card Left & Top Margin: You shouldn't have to worry with this section - however, if you find your ticket or card message is printing slightly off, you can adjust the margins by inches here. Positive numbers will move the card message text to the right, and negative numbers to the left.
Default Card Message Font: Choose the font style of the messages on your printed cards. You can pick between Arial, Script, & Times New Roman.
Card Message Alignment: Choose where you want the card message to be aligned. You can choose between Center, Left, or Right.